- How can I register & apply for financial aid?
There are no formal pre-requisites for this course, so you can simply visit the MCC website to register. Previous experience in programming or creating websites will be helpful, though. If you are a resident of Monroe County, NY, then you may be eligible for tuition assistance. You should visit the M-Power website to find out if you are eligible, learn more and apply.
- What do I need to succeed in this course?
We'll be writing web software together, so you will need a computer and a positive, curious educational mindset! You'll also want to setup your computer by downloading & installing various software, especially the VS Code editor. The other setup software you can find in the website footer under "Getting Started," and we'll go through the setup process together for these as needed.
- How do I do the homework?
Just complete the FCC exercises and submit your solutions on that site. Once you make your Freecodecamp profile public, then I'll be able to see your progress
- How do I communicate with the instructor and other students?
We use an app called discord. You should have received an invite. If you haven't yet, provide me with your current email and ask me to resend it.
- How do I see the slides from lecture?
The slides are posted on this website under the "Slides" navigation link in the top bar.
- How do I take the regular quizzes?
The quizzes are given through an app called Classtime. The quiz code and link will be posted on this website under the "Quiz" navigation link in the top bar.
- How many quizzes are there?
The quizzes that will be given throughout the course are listed under the "Quiz" navigation link. Not every class will have a quiz, but most will. The quizzes will sometimes be given at the start of class, sometimes in the middle and sometimes at the end of class.
- How is my grade determined?
This course is graded in terms of Pass/Fail. The factors that contribute to a passing determination in rough order of consideration are:
- Attendance (more than 3 absences in a section requires makeup)
- Quizzes Completed (every question answered, even if wrong)
- Completion of FCC homework
- Completion of Projects
- Quiz results (considered as bonus points)
- What should I do if I will have a conflict with one of our classes?
That's alright, conflicts happen. Please just let me know ahead of time by sending me an email or messaging me in discord about which class you must miss. In most cases, you will be expected to review the slides/content that you missed on your own so that you can still complete the associated project and/or homework.